Lockdown Activities

In such uncertain times, it’s so important as a large community, that we come together to help one another with our wellbeing during lockdown.

Over the past couple of days, more and more businesses have been releasing their usual ‘paid for’ services, for free, to help us all in these strange circumstances.

We have been through and collated ones that we’ve found useful, and hope that you find them of value too.  It would be great to hear if you have any others so that we can add to our list and share.

Audible stories for kids

Amazon has made its audiobooks for free, with content ranging from preschool to classic literature.  You don’t need to download the app or even login.  Simply go to:


Virtual Museums

 Many museums and cultural institutions around the world are inspiring people to stay curious and occupied by offering free virtual tours, exhibits, videos and performances for people to enjoy from their homes.

Guggenheim – https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/solomon-r-guggenheim-museum?hl=en

National Museum of Natural history – https://naturalhistory.si.edu/visit/virtual-tour/current-exhibits

Cambridge Books

 Cambridge books have released 700 books for free reading.  The free period is until the end of May and includes some Christian and theological works.


Fender Play

Have you ever fancied learning to play the guitar?  Well, now’s your chance!  Fender is offering the first 100K new subscribers, 3 months of free lessons.  Sign up here:


Joe Wicks – PE

For this with children at home during lockdown, have you planned how to include their exercise for the day?

A famous P.T is offering children (and adults alike) a free ‘P.E’ lesson every morning at 9am.  It is via YouTube.  Just login and search P.E with Joe.

Mind Plan – NHS

The NHS has launched ‘every mind matters’.  By answering 5 questions in the interactive quiz it gives you top tips and advice tailored to you.  You can find this here:


And for those within our industry, if you are a member of the PFS, they have released some tips and ideas on how to cope with the change of circumstances for many.  These include:

Managing Teams Remotely


Working from Home 24/7


How insurers are dealing with the pandemic

Covid-19: Insurer Statements

Remote wellbeing – maintaining good mental health at home


Budget webinar – watch now on-demand


And whilst these are all free things that companies are offering to you during lockdown, have you thought of ways that you can help and offer back?  The NHS is looking for volunteers to support the 1.5m people in England who are at the most risk from the virus to stay well.

You can register for this here: https://www.goodsamapp.org/NHS




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